Not a hierarchy: A note to self
Our intention is to

exist, feel relaxed, be accepted and at times celebrated
Exist: for this basic instinct-driven survival, we need to de-risk now, and every nows that are yet to arrive (so called future). De-risk now constitutes of all the actions taken in the present moment to ensure no harm is made to our physical self, either by a foreign intrusion or due to lack of necessities. Necessities can be shelter, food, clean air, and clear water; coming to intrusion that can either be a harmful virus, an incoming speeding car, unexpected flood, invitation to unpleasant situations etc.- a lot of unknowns those that can be avoided at times through conscious/proactive actions/choices.
Let’s pick one simple example here: we de-risk survival by having food; a step back- buying that daily bread; another step back- by making sure we have enough cash at our disposal to secure procurement of that bread (considering there are no constraints on the supply side); take a further step back: we secure cash by making sure our services are relevant, marketable, and distributed via job or business. Of all these, we never think about assumptions that we have around ample supply, having relevant skills, a healthy functioning body, job security, among others. Most among us are absolutely susceptible to things beyond our control- and that’s okayy... Think carefully then, how do we de-risk our food security problem with a greater degree of control? - may be start a farm and in a way insure our loved ones or dependants. That’s one way, and this is just an example to acclimatize ourselves to such mental models.
Of all the efforts that we put on a daily basis, some portion can be dedicated in an attempt to design a process/solution where effort to de-risk future nows are only marginal and not equally susceptible in terms of size & vulnerability to what it was, say a year back.
Feel relaxed: Be absolutely graciously vulnerable, always surrender and make every moment thrive along.
Why be absolutely graciously vulnerable? It is to know and live by the fact that every thing comes to an end and that,
we can not exercise control on outcomes by endlessly attending every thought that derives its core from past (nows exhausted) and future (nows projected).
We should eventually start working with the situation rather against it! It is because the only thing that we ever have with us is this moment, here and now! Hence we learn to accept, surrender, prime our minds to be more rational, and bring more awareness to every unit of attention (only if that could be measured! 😧)
Be accepted: This is an outcome of us spreading love and showing care for people we like and love to be around with for a very long time. Mostly this group of people are referred to as family and friends. Being accepted by definition can be as simple as being listened to, of course with a high degree of attention (rare in these days due to the nature of our monkey minds 😄). It’s for us to practice a 100% unconditional attention when someone is in need- without carrying pre-conceived notions coloured by tainted perceptions from the past. This is priceless! and we only come to know its significance when we are ourselves in need. May be, ‘showing’ is the wrong choice of word that we have adopted, rather lets simply ‘be attentive’ and as a result, this practice gets reciprocated outwards and at times comes back.
give out first what you expect to receive
At times celebrated: These can come as milestones in our lives (hence ‘At times’), when our work / service / intent / actions shape into impactful ripples from which society stand to gain at large. It might start as a passion or intent, shape into an interactive value accretive identity that itself becomes a living evidence for society at large. In all this, distribution, continued trust, retention play very important roles. Let us recall a piece where we tried to break this down: click here.
Just remember, the details are not important, conscious handcrafted processes are
This is how we stand a chance of making a difference, a lasting impact, and celebrate / cherish those small but collective outcomes.