Average to mean- true for identities

The world is made to always tone our mind, body, choices, actions and outcomes to average. It often, in fact always throws at us easy wins, getting us used to it, so we are not able to delay our gratification! Never.
Our mind is enslaved by choices that enable shortest distance travelled for non-sustainable pleasant outcomes. Take for example our body- it suffers the consequences of ugly food and lifestyle, actions that result out of most predictable choices- all in a way as if our navigation maps are always synced to remain average.
We think and would like to believe that those are choices made by us, but in fact if someone is put into similar set of external conditions will act in unison. Such high degree of predictability creates outcomes that are pretty much generalized, and in broader scheme of things that is what we call average. Okay, being tagged as average is not bad, as long as we are happy- but over a longer period of time we no more have control on ideally defining our identity, and become a pure derivative of external conditions.
How dangerous this can get? — more the data we are generating, more predictable our actions will become only if we are not conscious in the now with our choices, and actions. Who is the culprit here?- No one, its about the few group who have been able to isolate themselves from the herd long enough, to create systems that chug out lots of money, by leveraging predictable behavior of consumers. In essence, consumers are consumed .. :D
Even if we do something great, it makes sure we revert to mean! again!
It’s time that we are absolutely in the now with all our mind and body- and choose better for long enough time, so it creates an Identity moat, impossible to permeate.
To understand this construct, say we are presented with multiple choices as illustrated above, once we choose, act and experience the outcome- this very outcome determines the quality of the next set of choices. Beware this is a cycle, and in this next set, there are choices disguised and sugar enveloped to lure us into downward spiral- finally depriving us of a life where we become slaves of external exploitation.
A conscious journey is a happy one! Destination is just part of this long journey, that is either rewarding or imposing fine on us.
Articulate this one identity in as detailed a way as possible. Until we reach there, we should keep on making choices that might seem to be tough- tough because we don’t get instant short-lived happiness & trough cycles. Most of the better ones are associated with delayed gratification!